Saturday, February 25, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.9

It was the kind of savvy developed over innumerable battles; and in comparison to Lady Firefly, even the oldest, most-grizzled members of the SST were green horns.

A thunderous blow narrowly missed the winged sentinel, before halving a load-bearing column.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.8

The only way Fiona could defeat the it, would be to make it defeat itself.  Unfortunately, the SST
didn't...couldn't...know that.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.7

What the SST didn't realize, was that a glaarack is essentially one big rage engine...and like any engine, the more power it puts out in a single stroke, the closer it comes to overheating and collapse.

A direct assault simply wouldn't work.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.6

This perception was accurate, for as far as it went. The problem was, it didn't go nearly far enough.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.5

To the SST it must've looked like Fiona was losing badly.  Neither her blaster, nor her sword seemed to have much effect on the creature. Her engagement strategy appeared to consist of flitting about the beast, while inflicting just enough damage to enrage the beast without actually taking it down.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.4

Thus far, they were exhibiting atypical restraint: setting up a perimeter, keeping their distance, and letting Lady Firefly have first crack at the monster.  (Maybe Fiona's outreach to Captain Sahls and her work with the Non-Governmental Heroes Alliance had had some effect after all?)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.3

Fiona arrived on the scene no more than five minutes into the monster's rampage; and by then the only people within a one mile radius of the mall were Super Strike Team personnel.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Lady Firefly 1.2

It was remarkable how quickly the Newkirk Emporium Mall emptied once the creature appeared. "Considering how long it took me to get out of here last Christmas Eve, this should qualify as a logistical miracle," mused the heroine.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Lady Firefly 1.1

The glaarack flailed wildly, smashing walls and knocking over columns as Fiona swooped about deftly evading its assaults.